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Recorded sessions from Connect 2021
Opening Keynote
Traversing the Universe of Global Trademark Protection (Lydia Gobena)
From Handshakes to Elbow Bumps: Tools, tips, and technology for winning new business in the #NewNormal (Chris Fritsch)
InRecent Exposure: Current Topics in Trademark Law (Anne Gilson LaLonde, Rebeccah Gan, & Irene Lee)
Marketing Sense: Ensuring your marketing is ethics compliant (Michael E. McCabe, Jr.)
Be Fab with TTAB: Tips for Successfully Pursuing, Defending, and Settling TTAB Disputes (Jonathan Menkes)
IP Matters: Practical ways that IP lawyers can advance social justice (Kimra Major-Morris, Christian Williams, & Tyra Hughley Smith)
Putting the Buzz Back in Blogging: New Tips for a Mature Medium (Carolyn Elefant)
Spring into (Office) Action: Dealing with and Overcoming OA Refusals
USPTO Updates: USPTO representatives explain recent and upcoming changes (Amy Cotton & Dan Vavonese)
Put Your Money Where Your Market Is: Where and How to Market Your Firm to Maximize ROI (Tasneem K. Khokha)
In High Demand: Crafting effective and creative demand letters (Moish E. Peltz)
Closing Remarks